Welcome Dr. Ridgely | Radiology Associates of Ocala — Radiology Associates of Ocala

WIC Welcomes Dr. Ridgely Meyers to Our Team


RAO’s Women’s Imaging Center is excited to welcome Board Certified breast imaging specialist Dr. Ridgely Meyers to our women’s diagnostic services team. Dr. Meyers received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University and went on to earn her MD from Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, where she also served her internship. After completing her residency in diagnostic radiology at Baylor Scott & White Health, Dr. Meyers garnered a Fellowship in breast imaging from University of California Irvine Medical Center.

Dr. Meyers chose to specialize in breast imaging for personal reasons – she lost her cousin to breast cancer, and experiencing that loss, as well as seeing her cousin’s young children endure losing their mother, focused her ambition on the early discovery and vanquishment of breast cancer. “I am committed to doing my part to prevent women from dying of breast cancer,” says Dr. Meyers. “For the woman anxiously awaiting the results of her mammogram, I want to provide a timely and accurate interpretation, with helpful and appropriate recommendations for follow-up.”

“We are gratified to have Dr. Meyers join our women’s imaging team,” says WIC Medical Director Dr. Amanda Aulls. “Our practice’s capacity for outstanding care is enhanced by her extensive training, acumen and empathy.”

“I continue to strive for excellence as an expert diagnostic consultant for physicians, as well as a skilled interventionist who can provide compassionate procedural expertise for patients,” says Dr. Meyers. “I’m excited to see how we can advance the field of breast imaging together.”

Dr. Meyers is already seeing patients and we invite women needing a routine screening mammogram to call for an appointment. WIC is committed to providing absolute caution and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, so women don’t need to put off important breast cancer screening.